Psalm 43:3-4
Send Your light and Your truth; let them lead me.
Let them bring me to Your holy mountain,
to Your dwelling place.
Then I will come to the altar of God,
to God, my greatest joy.
I will praise You with the lyre,
God, my God.
We need God to send His light. As the flowers long to see the sun’s rays each day, we too should long for God to reveal in us the way in which we should go. And oh, how we need to have God send His truths to our heart and mind each day as well. When we speak truth to ourselves and others, we can be assured we are on the right path, headed in the right direction. God will lead us into righteousness by His light and truth. It’s up to us to seek His light, long for His truth and then faithfully follow.
Being led by God will surely take you into a closer communion with Him. Are you struggling in prayer, have you lost your zeal for God? Let Him lead. You only need to follow along depending on His compass. Along the path, He’ll draw up close to you, in fact, closer than you’ve ever felt Him before. With the Father’s leading, the Holy Spirit to light the way and the truth of the Son, Jesus Christ will reveal Heaven to you, the dwelling place of God, His very presence right here on earth.
In His presence, we are at God’s altar, the foot of the cross. It is there where we pour out our hearts and we praise Him for the joy He has given us! With the lyre, our voices, lifted on high with praises to the Father.