Daily Archives: March 9, 2018

Sharing Your Heart


Many times while scrolling through my Facebook page, I get the opportunity to read beautiful testimonies written by my friends about the love of Jesus and how He is speaking to their hearts.  So today I want to share Brittany’s morning testimony.  I know you will be as blessed as I was!

“I woke up this morning with something on my heart that I want to share. So many times in our lives we feel alone, abandoned, left out or the one that nobody wants. I want to encourage you this morning and remind you that you’re not alone. Jesus said I will never leave you nor forsake you, but I will be with you even till the end of the world. You’re not abandoned ever since you were born, God has been there even though sometimes we can’t feel him or see him he’s been there encouraging you and helping you not to give up.  You’re not the one that nobody wants. Jesus wants you if it wasn’t true he wouldn’t have died on the cross for you. He died for us all so that we could be forgiven of our sins and live with him forever. Jesus knew that he had to die for us but what love he had when he did it.  I don’t know of anyone who would be willing to lay down their life for this entire world but Jesus did and he was the only one that could do it because he was the perfect sacrifice.  I said all that to say this you are loved, important, never abandoned, never alone, never rejected, never the throw away child and YOU MATTER!!”

Thank you Brittany for sharing Jesus’ love.  We know that once you have Christ in your heart, you are never alone!