“In a world of some discouragement, sorrow and overmuch sin, in times when fear and despair seem to Prevail, when humanity is feverish with no worldly physicians in sight, I too say, TRUST JESUS. Let him still the Tempest and ride upon the storm. Believe that He can lift Mankind from its bed of Affliction, in Time and in Eternity”.
~Jeffery Holland
In John 16:33, Jesus said “in this world you will have trouble”. We turn on our radios and televisions, and all we seem to hear and see are bad things. Some events are so evil I just bow my head, say a prayer and if I linger to long…..the tears will begin to flow.
I write this evening to tell you about a man! His name is Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lord and King of Kings! As Elder Holland states above, “let Him still the tempest and ride the storm”. Jesus said in 1 Peter 5:7 to cast all your cares upon Him, because He cares for you.
Through every trial, hurt, anxiety, fear, pain, sorrow, guilt….I could, of course go on and on, where in a world filled with afflictions, sometimes our problems seem never ending. But we can call on Jesus! In Luke 18:38, a blind beggar called on Jesus and by his faith, Jesus restored the man’s eyesight! This scripture is for us all! In the very same way, we too can call on Him for He is our best friend, companion, physician, deliverer and our blessed redeemer!
It is so very hard to live in this world today without thinking about and becoming anxious all of the bad that’s going on around us. But I’m here to tell you today God is in control. Hebrews 12:2 tells us “look to Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith”. We must continue looking to Him, lifting up His precious Name, trusting and believing….in and on Him. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. We have nothing to fear. Through our faith in Jesus Christ we are more than conquerors, we are over-comers.
Last Sunday my Pastor stated he awoke from a dream where he was in a pulpit preaching God’s Word and he remembered the words to the congregation were, “it is written.” Immediately I thought about all the times I have seen these very words in the Bible. I remember hearing, if you see words or phrases over and over again in God’s Word, then it must be important and God wants you to know it. God’s Word will never pass away. We serve a Great and Mighty God who sent His Word, a love letter to each of us, a life manual. When you read and study His Word, you can know any and every thing you need to know. It is all there…right in the infinite pages of the Bible. When things seem to hard to handle, life is just too much to take, I challenge you to open your Bible and pray to the Holy Spirit to help you know His Word. His Living Word. It will guide you, lift you, sustain you and help you through every need you have. Whatever the circumstance, good and/or bad….His Word will help you and it will also help you to help others. Make it a priority to open and read the Word every day. God is the same yesterday, today and forever! Christ Above All by Dr. Charles Stanley, a great piece on worrying less and trusting God more! When you have faith in Jesus you can make it through every day. By loving Him and surrendering your life to Him you will learn how to turn bad news into PRAYERS! God hears the praises and prayers of His children and God also answers the prayers of His children.
Give life’s trials to Jesus. Pray for others. Listen to God’s Word. Use the power of the Holy Spirit that lives within you. TRUST Jesus.
If you are reading these words and you don’t know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, if you are overcome with worry, guilt, sorrow and pain…I urge you to heed Jesus’ call. He is waiting on you with open arms. The only thing between you and Him is your willingness to step out in faith and call on Him. Let Him transform you from the inside out. Jesus did it for me and He wants to do it for you too! Accepting Jesus is only a prayer away. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins, believe He died and rose again for you, repent and receive Him into your heart! I am praying for you and there is a crowd in Heaven waiting to rejoice!
Yes Jesus is our Lord and Savior, God gave him to us, he died for us, just like in the scripture reading verse that is one of the most read in the Bible: John 3:16 for God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not parish but have “every lasting life.” We need to put our trust and faith in Jesus not only in times of crises but in all times.
Yes Jesus is our Lord and Savior, God gave him to us, he died for us, just like in the scripture reading verse that is one of the most read in the Bible: John 3:16 for God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not parish but have “every lasting life.” We need to put our trust and faith in Jesus not only in times of crises but in all times.