Please copy, paste and share this scripture pic! Thanks for the photo alexeys.
Psalm 43:3-4
Send Your light and Your truth; let them lead me. Let them bring me to Your holy mountain, to Your dwelling place. Then I will come to the altar of God, to God, my greatest joy. I will praise You with the lyre, God, my God.
We need God to send His light. As the flowers long to see the sun’s rays each day, we too should long for God to reveal in us the way in which we should go. And oh, how we need to have God send His truths to our heart and mind each day as well. When we speak truth to ourselves and others, we can be assured we are on the right path, headed in the right direction. God will lead us into righteousness by His light and truth. It’s up to us to seek His light, long for His truth and then faithfully follow.
Being led by God will surely take you into a closer communion with Him. Are you struggling in prayer, have you lost your zeal for God? Let Him lead. You only need to follow along depending on His compass. Along the path, He’ll draw up close to you, in fact, closer than you’ve ever felt Him before. With the Father’s leading, the Holy Spirit to light the way and the truth of the Son, Jesus Christ will reveal Heaven to you, the dwelling place of God, His very presence right here on earth.
In His presence, we are at God’s altar, the foot of the cross. It is there where we pour out our hearts and we praise Him for the joy He has given us! With the lyre, our voices, lifted on high with praises to the Father.
Every word of God is pure; he is a shield to those who put their trust in him.
~Proverbs 30:5.
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul;
The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple;
The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
The Commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes;
The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold…
In keeping them there is great reward.
~Psalm 19:7-11
During the work week, I always make it a point to read God’s word and have prayer time with him before I leave home each day. and because I leave so early in the morning it’s always dark outside as I study God’s word. But on those Saturday mornings when I have nothing on my schedule I can hardly wait to get up before the sun, grab my favorite devotional or two, my Bible and of course some tissue along with my coffee. I start to read and pray asking God to open my eyes to what he would have me take with me throughout the day. His Word, His infallible Word that strengthens and sustains.
So, as I was reading, the Sun started to rise, coming through my front picture window…oh how I love to enjoy these moments. I was reading from Come Before Winter by Charles Swindoll and the devotional was concerning the infallibility of the Word of God. The scripture used came from Psalm 119:89-96. I went on to read through verse 171. As I read, the sun was continuing to rise, the Word of God was, as usual touching my heart as I read through this beautiful Psalm all about the truth of God’s Word. Then all of a sudden there was a ray of sunshine that came through my front window and pointed directly at my heart! How beautiful that ray of sunshine felt. It was like the hand of God reaching out and shining right into my heart!
Rays of God’s Love
“Consider how I love your precepts;
Revive me, O LORD, according to your loving-kindness.
The entirety of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous judgments endures forever.”
~Psalm 119:159:160
While we live on this Earth, which most of the time seems so out of control and ever evil is lurking all around, I’m so thankful for God’s Word! The Proverb above tells me that He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. I know I need His shield to protect me today and as the Psalm above states,”The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.” God’s word reminds me today that His truthfulness, His perfectness does indeed change hearts. I pray today, many would come to the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ! I am comforted by His Word this morning, while His sun shines upon me, knowing that through all the chaos of this world, He is still changing hearts by His Word. He is still in control and through Jesus, He is changing hearts, and He is busy changing lives. Freeing those bound by fear, anxieties, doubts, and feelings of being unloved and unworthy into hearts that are loosed! Hearts that can live in the light of Jesus, brought out of darkness, lies, shame and guilt. Only Jesus can change your heart and give you new life and then an eternal life in Heaven with Him. Won’t you choose Jesus today? Won’t you choose a clean slate? A do-over of life? A life freed from sin? Do it today! Accept God’s free gift of Grace and Mercy. After all, His Word is truth and it reminds us He gave His only Son for you! Jesus has paid your sin debt, He paid the price we can never pay ourselves and He did it long before you were born. That’s just how much God loves YOU!
If through this post, God is touching your heart and calling you to Him, I have a prayer here you can speak to Him. Don’t put off His touch any longer. Heed to His precious calling.