Earnest Prayer
Psalm 9:10 And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.
God cares about our earnest prayer. Being earnest is more than repetition or how long we pray. It’s our sincerity, concern and honesty in our offering to our Father. This kind of prayer is believing who God is and that He does reward those who seek Him.
Courageous Prayer
Daniel heard the edict signed by the king which said if anyone prayed to any god or man other than king Darius, they would be thrown into the Lion’s Den, and the Bible says he went to his room as always three times a day, knelt towards Jerusalem at his opened window and prayed. Now, that’s courageous prayer (Daniel 6:10). In our world today that grows increasingly secular, where people scoff at the name of God and prayer, we must have the same courage as Daniel. We must walk by faith in God, continue in prayer and be a witness for Him in everything we say and do. After all, if God is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)?
Spirit Filled Prayer
We want our prayers to be empowered by the Holy Spirit. Be filled is what Paul tells us. “Be filled” here in this scripture is in the present tense, not a once-for-all experience. We are given power to worship, witness and testify by God’s own Spirit. What could be better than praying each day to be filled with the wonderful working power of God?
Praying in the Spirit
We absolutely need help in our prayer life. Our Lord Jesus told us He would pray to the Father and He would send to us another Helper in John 14:16. Thank you Jesus for sending help that will abide within us forever! Thank you Jesus that your first intercessory prayer for us was a request for help. Because we don’t always know what we should pray as we ought, we can know the Holy Spirit is there (Romans 8:26-28). He will take these prayers and turn them into ones that are “according to God’s will”.
Effective Prayer
Being washed in the blood of Jesus Christ makes you righteous in the sight of God. Therefore, you can go to the Father in confidence of an effectual prayer to the One who hears and will answer. James 5:13-18 says, the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. When you continue living in righteousness in Christ by faith and grace, you are offering effective prayers to the Father!